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Our Be Boring. Make Money.™ investment approach means ignoring fads and taking a long-term view of investing. It means  consistently sticking to a systematic, disciplined, bottom-up investment approach—no matter the market outlook. And, it means putting the investment odds in our clients' favour by focusing on the things we can control.

At Mawer, we look for securities with sustainable competitive advantages—regardless of industry or economic conditions. As bottom-up, fundamental investors, our investment philosophy is to find:

  • wealth-creating companies,
  • with excellent management teams,at a discount to their intrinsic value,
  • and repeat.

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Disclosure: Mawer Investment Management Ltd. provides this publication for informational purposes only and it is not and should not be construed as professional advice. The information contained in this publication is based on material believed to be reliable at the time of publication and Mawer Investment Management Ltd. cannot guarantee that the information is accurate or complete. Individuals should contact their account representative for professional advice regarding their personal circumstances and/or financial position. This publication does not address tax or trust and estate considerations that may be applicable to an individual’s particular situation. The comments are general in nature and professional advice regarding an individual’s particular tax position should be obtained in respect of any person’s specific circumstances.

We’re here to help.

Phone: +1 (403) 262-4673
Toll-Free: +1 (800) 889-6248

For general mutual fund inquiries:

Toll-Free: +1 (844) 395-0747

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